DJ Felipe Accioly - THE BOY

DJ Felipe Accioly - #TheBoy

Set by
DJ Felipe Accioly


  1. The Boy Special Intro
  2. Felipe Accioly - #BOYS (Fabio Nascimento Mash-Up)
  3. Iggy Azalea - Work (Hector Fonseca)
  4. Britney Spears - Work Bitch (Fabricio Lampa)
  5. Jackinsky feat. Michael G - I'll Make U Work (Original Mix)
  6. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
  7. Lady Gaga - Applause (Enrry)
  8. Offer Nissim Vs. Kelis Vs. Maw - Osa Milkshake (Enrry Mash Pvt)
  9. Pet Shop Boys - Vocal (Hector Fonseca)
  10. Jackinsky - My Mind
  11. Rihanna - Right Now (Oscar Velazquez Anthem)
  12. There Is Only One (Gustavo Junior TOY)
  13. Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble (Yan Bruno)
  14. Selena Gomez - Slow Down (Enrry)
  15. Tim Rex Experiment feat. Graziella - Alive 2K13 (Luis Erre)
  16. Bruno Knauer & Felipe Accioly - Gettin' High

DJ Felipe Accioly - THE BOY.mp3

Fuente: DJ Angellus
DJ Felipe Accioly - THE BOY DJ Felipe Accioly - THE BOY Reviewed by Daniel Angello on octubre 16, 2013 Rating: 5

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